Posted by & filed under Friends and Family, Hearing Loss.

We all know that change is a part of life but this knowledge alone doesn’t prepare us for how to deal with change, especially when it adversely affects our lives.

And like so many other parts of life, when it comes to hearing loss, there are no step-by-step instructions telling you exactly how to adjust.

The truth is that hearing loss brings change in virtually every area of life and for many people that fact can be overwhelming.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

While it is true that there is no handbook on how to deal with hearing loss, there are certain things you can do to help yourself as you process and adapt to a new way of life.

When these things are applied with regularity, they can greatly reduce the length of the adjustment period and even lessen its severity.

Over the next couple of blog posts, we want to take the time to discuss some of these very practical and very beneficial methods of coping.

The first and maybe the most important thing you can do is to allow yourself to grieve.

Let’s be clear, it is not wrong to grieve your hearing loss – it is natural and healthy.

Think of it like this…

When a friend or relative dies, no one thinks it’s strange if your grieve. You have lost someone important to you and it is both appropriate and healthy to mourn that fact.

Likewise, when you experience hearing loss, you lose the ability to communicate easily and naturally.

The things you once took for granted are now difficult and certain simple pleasures you once experienced have become a source of stress.

Again, it is good and right for you to mourn these things and acknowledge your pain to family, friends, a counselor or clergy person.

The last thing you should do to allow your hurt and sense of loss to turn inwards. When this happens, it leads to self-pity and bitterness, both of which are incredibly harmful to your overall health and well-being.

When you allow yourself to grieve, you can turn a difficult experience into something positive and eventually help others as they navigate the reality of hearing loss.

Be patient with yourself, give yourself a large amount of grace, and make room to express the truth of how you are feeling. If you do these things, you will find yourself adjusting in the healthiest way possible.

We refuse to settle for less than the best and we hope you will do the same.